Email the chapter at Request that you wish to become a member of TOO SLO. A TOO SLO officer will reach out to you on the next steps to be a member.
TOO SLO is a chapter of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club (CTTC). Members enjoy the following benefits and privileges:
- Subscription to the Tortuga Gazette, the CTTC newsletter featuring articles on turtle and tortoise health, care, conservation, Club activities, and other turtle-related stories and news items.
- Regular Chapter meetings with programs featuring guest speakers, video and slide presentations, question-and-answer sessions, and a chance to socialize and share information with other Club members.
- Access to turtle and tortoise care and adoption information at the meetings. Some Chapters have extensive book and video lending libraries.
- Ability to participate in Chapter activities such as shows and exhibits, field trips and symposia, and
to vote in Chapter elections.
- Knowledge that they are supporting CTTC’s turtle and tortoise rescue, adoption, conservation
and public education programs.
$15.00 - Student Membership
$25.00 - Individual Membership
$35.00 - Family Membership
$500.00 - Life Membership